Smartphone Addiction


Mind Map on Smartphone Addiction, created by Khushboo Vaswani on 11/06/2013.
Khushboo Vaswani
Mind Map by Khushboo Vaswani, updated more than 1 year ago
Khushboo Vaswani
Created by Khushboo Vaswani over 11 years ago

Resource summary

Smartphone Addiction
  1. Negative effects
    1. Poor school performance
      1. Harms eyesight and stamina
        1. Sleep losses
          1. Excessive exposure to electromagnetic waves
            1. Human relationships are deteriorated
              1. Overdependence to gadgets
                1. Inability to stop despite the harmful consequences
                  1. Less involvement in physical activities
                  2. Solutions
                    1. Prioritize and develop good time management
                      1. Keep track of your usage by recording it in a diary/journal
                        1. Switch off phone or turn it silent
                          1. Downgrade to a simpler phone
                            1. Set a time limit for usage
                            2. Causes
                              1. Not wanting to miss out on peers
                                1. Obsession to be up-to-date
                                  1. Peer Pressure
                                    1. Kill time
                                      1. Conformity
                                        1. Ease of access
                                          1. Low cost
                                          2. Definition
                                            1. Overuse of smartphones
                                              1. Causes harmful effects to oneself and others
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