Imperial Germany


A level, IGCSE Year 12 History (Second Reich Third Reich) Mind Map on Imperial Germany, created by Simon Hinds on 06/11/2013.
Simon Hinds
Mind Map by Simon Hinds, updated more than 1 year ago
Simon Hinds
Created by Simon Hinds almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Imperial Germany
  1. Political System
    1. Union of States
      1. PRUSSIA


        • Prussia dominated Imperial Germany at every turn.  It accounted for 2/3 of the German population.
        1. Prussification
          1. Kaiser
            1. ministers
              1. foreign policy
                1. Wilhelm II
                2. Junkers
                  1. Protestant
                  2. 25 states
                  3. Democracy?
                    1. secret ballot
                      1. men over 25
                        1. Reichstag
                          1. budget
                      2. Economic Growth
                        1. 1871-1914
                          1. fastest growth in Europe
                            1. 2 X France
                              1. 3 X Britain
                              2. chemicals
                                1. Haber Process
                                  1. important 20th C discovery
                                    1. fertilisers
                                      1. explosives
                                      2. BASF
                                      3. Electrical Engineering
                                        1. links with Science
                                        2. Imperial German Society
                                          1. Working Class
                                            1. living conditions
                                              1. low wages
                                                1. bad housing
                                                  1. 'rat barracks'
                                                  2. harsh factory discipline
                                                  3. SOCIALISM
                                                    1. SPD
                                                      1. 1890
                                                        1. 1914: Biggest Party
                                                          1. hostile to capitalism
                                                            1. way of life
                                                              1. Trade Unions
                                                                  1. newspapers
                                                                    1. clubs
                                                                  2. equality
                                                                1. Ruling Class
                                                                  1. Junkers
                                                                    1. Officer Corps
                                                                      1. higher civil service
                                                                        1. industrial tycoons
                                                                          1. leaders Protestant Church
                                                                            1. hated SPD
                                                                              1. threat
                                                                                1. status
                                                                                  1. wealth
                                                                                  2. feared revolution
                                                                                    1. 'unpatriotic'
                                                                                  3. Catholics
                                                                                    1. areas of Germany
                                                                                      1. Bavaria
                                                                                        1. Rhineland
                                                                                          1. Sliesia
                                                                                        2. Protestants
                                                                                        Show full summary Hide full summary


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