Consequences of eating habits


Mind Map on Consequences of eating habits, created by Javier Vásquez on 29/09/2021.
Javier Vásquez
Mind Map by Javier Vásquez, updated more than 1 year ago
Javier Vásquez
Created by Javier Vásquez over 2 years ago

Resource summary

Consequences of eating habits
  1. Most people go out to eat one time a week. This is good because the number of times that the people eat unhealthy food is balanced
    1. People drink an average of five glasses a day of water. This is fine since your body is hydrated all day and maintains 70% of the water necessary for the body.
      1. The people eat salad aleast 4 times a week. this is not very good because the best option is eat salad everyday because it conteins vitamins that regulated multiple organic processes such as the proper functioning of the nervous system
        1. Most of people usually eat the heaviest for lunch. This habit is good because if you eat the heaviest in the breakfast you can feel full for the rest of the morning. And if you eat a lot at night you won't be able to sleep properly
          1. All the people eat 3 meals a day. this is a normal habit but the idea could be to eat 5 times in a day because is more healthy
            1. All the people eat meat aleast one time a week. this is good because the meat provide proteins. the meat contributes vitamins of cuality
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