s Lebensmittel, -


Mind Map on s Lebensmittel, -, created by Orsi Habóczki on 09/09/2015.
Orsi Habóczki
Mind Map by Orsi Habóczki, updated more than 1 year ago
Orsi Habóczki
Created by Orsi Habóczki about 9 years ago

Resource summary

s Lebensmittel, -
  1. Essen
    1. Gemischt
      1. das Gemüse, -
        1. e Zwiebel, -n
          1. e Kartoffel,-n
            1. r/e Paprika, -s
              1. e Tomate, -n
                1. r Salat, -e
                  1. das Sauerkraut, -ä-er
                  2. das Obst, Sg
                    1. r Apfel, Ä-
                      1. e Banane, -n
                        1. e Kirsche, -n
                          1. e Erdbeere, -n
                            1. e Orange -n
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