
Mind Map on Untitled, created by rreed on 09/09/2015.
Mind Map by rreed, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by rreed over 8 years ago
Copied by rreed over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Mobile Tools
  1. Collaboration
    1. Slideshare
      1. Allow you to upload presentation to share with others-such as my parents
      2. Google Drive
        1. Collaboration and create documents, spreedsheets and presentations from anywhere
        2. Dropbox
          1. To collaborate that allows all members to access up to date version of files from anywhere.
          2. Huddle
            1. To help teams share files and plan projects-
          3. Social
            1. Tweetbot
              1. lets you organize and interact with your twitter stream
              2. Evernote
                1. can pull out text and context from inside the image of a picture -I would use this with my class year end video
                2. Twitter
                  1. Free social networking microblogging service
                  2. Facebook
                    1. popular free social networking website to create profiles upload photos and videos-I have a classroom facebook for my parents
                  3. Travel
                    1. Triplt
                      1. Forward class emails will instantly organize into a single class itinerary or trip itinerary
                      2. Skype
                        1. Mobile phone app low cost calls from over the internet
                        2. iTalk Lite
                          1. soundtrack-capture on your phone the sounds of your class field trip
                          2. Yelp
                            1. search for restaurants or shops by using your phones GPS when at a school conference
                          3. Educational Games
                            1. SecretBuilders
                              1. An imaginative world of kid friendly educational and interactive online multiplayer games-my kids learn through playing
                              2. Arcademics
                                1. Mixing awesome arcade games with academics like Math games
                                2. Free Rice
                                  1. Challenging my students to collaborate on answering qestions-each correct answer earns 10 grains of rice dedicated to starving families in developing nations
                                  2. Twiddla
                                    1. Taking my dry erase board online-a virtual whiteboard app-it draws write and does everything you would do real white board-the ideas are endless fro my classroom
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