Common Law Defamation


Doctorate Bar Exam Mind Map on Common Law Defamation, created by Omar J. on 15/09/2015.
Omar  J.
Mind Map by Omar J., updated more than 1 year ago
Omar  J.
Created by Omar J. about 9 years ago

Resource summary

Common Law Defamation
  1. Does the statement at issue involve a matter of public concern? (Assume that all statements about public figures involve matters of public concern
    1. Yes
      1. Go to Constitutional Defamation Chart
      2. No
        1. Is the Statement by Defendant: Defamatory (i.e., does it tend to adversely affect a person's reputation)? "of or concerning" the Plaintiff (in the view of a reasonable listener or reader)? and "published" (i.e. has it been intentionally or negligently communicated to a third person?
          1. No
            1. No Liability for Defamation
            2. Yes
              1. Is the Statement
                1. Libel or Slander Per Se
                  1. Damages are presumed; defendant is liable for defamation
                  2. Slander not within per se categories
                    1. If plaintiff shows special (i.e. pecuniary) damages, defendant is liable for defamation
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