

Mind Map on Education, created by robtreb6 on 12/11/2013.
Mind Map by robtreb6, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by robtreb6 almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Questions
    1. Does Government cripple education?
      1. Ralph Waldo Emerson "Education" - teacher's can't cripple genius
      2. What can we DO to change Education?
        1. Ken Robinson "Bring on the Education Revolution" - personalize and naturalize education
      3. Similarities
        1. "Factory"
          1. Ken Robinson "Changing Education Paradigms" - Children are put through education like they are on a conveyor belt
            1. "Industrialization"
            2. Ralph Waldo Emerson "Education" - schools teach systematic mind
              1. Does by changing the "factory" way schools are run and putting an emphasis on supporting learners passions the way to "fix" our current education system"
              2. Passion
                1. Ralph Waldo Emerson "Education" - teachers should guide you so that you can live out your passion
                  1. Roz Chast "A Sentimental Education" - school should let you focus on your passion and nothing else
                  2. Differences
                    1. "Real Life" Experiences
                      1. David Foster Wallace "This is Water" - schools need to teach patience to deal with weekly frustrations (going to the Super Market)
                        1. annoyance
                        2. Personalized Classroom Learning
                          1. Ken Robinson "Changing Education Paradigms" - classrooms teach same type of information in a more personalized way for all students to learn ( ex: no separation by age)
                          2. Why do we have to learn any of this?
                            1. Roz Chast "A Sentimental Education" - should only have to learn what you enjoy
                              1. Which type of learning atmosphere is the best or is that dependent on the learner?
                          3. Main Ideas
                            1. David Foster Wallace "This is Water"
                              1. EDUCATION NEEDS TO CHANGE
                              2. Ken Robinson "Changing Education Paradigms"
                                  1. Ken Robinson "Bring on the Education Revolution
                                      1. Personalized Education
                                      2. "A Sentimental Education"
                                          1. Ralph Waldo Emerson "Education"
                                            1. EDUCATION NEEDS TO CHANGE
                                              1. Passion
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