Types of text


un mapa mental sobre tipos de texto en ingles
Javier Garcia Go
Mind Map by Javier Garcia Go, updated more than 1 year ago
Javier Garcia Go
Created by Javier Garcia Go almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Types of text
  1. Instructional texts
    1. Indicate a set of procedures to accomplish something
    2. Descriptive texts
      1. Describe the characteristics and properties of an object
      2. Narrative text
        1. They have real or imaginary facts that happen to certain characters
        2. informative text
          1. It is one in which the issuer gives to briefly meet facts, real circumstances or subject to any receiver
          2. scientific texts
            1. They are occurring at present or demonstrate the scientific advances of a written form
            2. Argumentative texts
              1. Is one in which the reasons for or against a particular "position" or " thesis " in order to convince the interlocutor presented
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