Feature Article Structure


Mind Map on Feature Article Structure, created by robinsonchloeqe on 13/11/2013.
Mind Map by robinsonchloeqe, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by robinsonchloeqe over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Feature Article Structure
  1. Introduction
    1. outline main subject/theme
      1. provoke interest by using an unusual statement
        1. background information
          1. take sides by being controversial
            1. Highten drama
              1. establish tone
                1. connection between reader and writer
                2. Headline
                  1. Effective and grabs attention
                    1. persuade the reader to read on further
                      1. highlights the main idea
                        1. use keywords
                        2. Main Body
                          1. have a number of paragraphs
                            1. expands on main topic
                              1. can include...
                                1. subheadings
                                  1. facts and stats
                                      1. personal viewpoints
                                        1. expert opinions
                                          1. stories and anicdotes
                                            1. specific names, places, dates etc...
                                              1. photos, diagrams, tables, graphs etc...
                                            2. Concluding Paragraph
                                              1. lasting impression
                                                1. remind the reader of the main idea
                                                  1. encourage change of an attitude or opinion
                                                    1. suggest a course of action
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