Lobes of the Brain Kanalu Kahale 3/6/2022


Mind map of for the lobes of the brain.
Kanalu Kahale
Mind Map by Kanalu Kahale, updated more than 1 year ago
Kanalu Kahale
Created by Kanalu Kahale about 2 years ago

Resource summary

Lobes of the Brain Kanalu Kahale 3/6/2022
  1. Occipital Lobe
    1. Visuospatial processing, distance and depth perception, color determination, object and face recognition, and memory formation.
    2. Temporal Lobe
      1. Processing affect/emotions, language, and certain aspects of visual perception.
      2. Frontal Lobe
        1. Motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgement, impulse control, and social and sexual behavior
        2. Parital Lobe
          1. Sensory perception and integration. management of taste, hearing, sight, touch, and smell
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