The Moral Act


Moral Act mindmap
Keegan Sawin
Mind Map by Keegan Sawin, updated more than 1 year ago
Keegan Sawin
Created by Keegan Sawin almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

The Moral Act
  1. Freedom
    1. Doing what one ought to do
      1. Good moral actions
        1. every human held accountable
          1. knowledge and responsibility are linked
          2. deliberation, moral content, and consequences to character
            1. moral freedom
            2. responsibility
              1. afraid of freedom, want it to be easy
                1. can lead to moral evil
                  1. man rejects God's will
                    1. possibility of lessening moral faults
                      1. ignorance
                        1. not knowing
                        2. inadvertence
                          1. not noticing
                          2. duress
                            1. being put under
                            2. fear
                              1. being afraid
                              2. habit
                                1. doing something habitually
                                2. inordinate attachment
                                  1. something that goes beyond reason
                          3. Grace
                            1. received through Sacraments
                              1. strengthen our will to do God's will
                                1. our will and God's will are aligned
                                2. helps control passions
                                3. sanctifying
                                  1. actual
                                    1. sought continually
                                      1. inclines us towards God
                                    2. Conscience
                                      1. shown in Scripture and human experience
                                        1. applied moral truth
                                          1. enlightened by God
                                          2. fails when objective law is ignored
                                            1. repentance
                                              1. contrition
                                                1. purpose of amendment
                                                2. we are numb to wrongdoing
                                                3. not infallible
                                                  1. must be educated
                                                    1. self examination
                                                      1. delicate guide
                                                        1. must be listened to sensitively
                                                    2. an action that results from a deliberate choice between good and evil (or degrees of goodness)
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                                                      The moral act
                                                      Freedom & Conscience
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                                                      Freedom and Conscience
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                                                      Freedom, Conscience and the Moral Act
                                                      Keegan Sawin
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                                                      Are we free? - Religious and Ethical perspectives (R&P A-LEVEL)
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