Compare and contrast the five generations of cephalosporins


Compare and contrast the five generations of cephalosporins
lee fang
Mind Map by lee fang, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by Freddiecox96 almost 9 years ago
lee fang
Copied by lee fang almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Compare and contrast the five generations of cephalosporins
  1. 2nd
    1. Activity -Variable activity against gram positive bacteria but increased activity against gram negative bacteria
      1. Structural features and chemistry- Broader spectrum of activity than most first generation due to greater steric hindrance provided by the methoxy group
        1. Cefoxitin - Methoxy substituent at position 7 (steric hindrance) – Urethane group ( good metabolic stability to esterase )
          1. Cefuroxime – Iminomethoxy group at alpha position of the acyl side chain ( Increase resistance to B-lactamases and mammalian esterases)
        2. 4th
          1. Activity- Broadest spectrum of activity, with similar activity against gram-positive organisms as first generation cephalosporins. Greater resistance to beta-lactamases than the third generation cephalosporins
            1. Structural feature and chemistry- Cefepime and Cefpirome– Zwitterionic compounds (radically enhance the ability to penetrate outer membrane of Gram negative bacteria, good affinity for transpeptidase enzyme, low affinity for variety of B-lactamases)
            2. 3rd
              1. Activity- Broad spectrum and the effective against both gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Optimum activity is against gram negative bacteria.
                1. structural features and chemistry-Ceftazidime- aminothiazole ring enhances the penetration through lipopolysaccharide and increase affinity for transpeptidase
                2. 1st
                  1. Activity- Effective against gram positive bacteria and have little effect against gram negative bacteria.
                    1. structural features and chemistry
                      1. Cephaloridine – pyridinium group at position 3 (good leaving group, not readily hydrolysed by esterase)
                        1. Cephalothin- acetyoxy group at position 3 (good leaving group but is readily hydrolysed by esterase)
                          1. Cefalexin – Methyl substituent at position 3 (not good leaving group but help oral absorption) -Hydrophilic amino group at 7-acylamino side chain (compensate bad activity)
                        2. 5th
                          1. Activity- Broad spectrum activity against gram negative bacteria such as MRSA
                            1. structural features and chemistry- a bicyclic ring with four-member β-lactam ring fused to a six-member cephem ring
                              1. Ceftaroline- thiazolylthio group cause the activity against MRSA
                            2. Side effects
                              1. 6. a) bleeding disorders b) Flushing, tachycardia, vomiting with alcohol intake (cefamandole, moxalactam & cefoperazone)
                                1. 1. Hypersensitivity reactions
                                  1. 2. Nephrotoxicity (cephradine)
                                    1. 3. Thrombophlebitis ( i.v admin.)
                                      1. 4. Superinfections
                                        1. 5. Diahea (oral cephalosporins, cefoperazone, ceftriaxone & moxalactam)
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