Gaucher's Disease


WBC Disorders Mind Map on Gaucher's Disease, created by Sylvia Smith on 20/11/2013.
Sylvia Smith
Mind Map by Sylvia Smith, updated more than 1 year ago
Sylvia Smith
Created by Sylvia Smith over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Gaucher's Disease
  1. Autosomal recessive disorder
    1. Single-gene mutation
    2. Abnormal facial features
      1. Liver enlargement
        1. European Jewish
          1. Prenatal counseling
            1. Genetic screening
            2. No cure
              1. Supportive therapy
                1. Severe manifestations
                2. Enzyme replacement therapy
                  1. Biosyntheitc enzyme material
                    1. Limited quantities
                    2. Bone marrow transplantation
                    3. Bone marrow cell
                      1. Large
                        1. Rod-shaped inclusions
                          1. Crinkled tissue paper
                        2. Lipid storage disease
                          1. Missing enzyme B-Glucocerebrosidase
                            1. Undigested metabolic accumulation
                          2. Infant-to-adult onset
                            1. Infant onset
                              1. More severe
                                1. Shorter life-span

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                              WBC Disorders_1
                              Sylvia Smith
                              WBC Disorders
                              Sylvia Smith
                              WBC Quantitative Changes
                              Sylvia Smith
                              Hereditary WBC Disorders
                              Sylvia Smith
                              Other Sources of Reactive Lymphocytosis
                              Sylvia Smith
                              Niemann-Pick Disease
                              Sylvia Smith
                              Human Ehrlichiosis
                              Sylvia Smith
                              FREQUENCY TABLES: MODE, MEDIAN AND MEAN
                              Elliot O'Leary
                              Creating Mind Maps with GoConqr
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                              Prep Like a Pro with GoConqr's Revision Timetable
                              Mike Nervo
                              Legislative Branch
                              Mr. Vakhovsky