

Деница Чернева
Mind Map by Деница Чернева, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Деница Чернева
Created by Деница Чернева over 8 years ago
Деница Чернева
Copied by Деница Чернева over 8 years ago
Деница Чернева
Copied by Деница Чернева over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Sonnet 18
    1. written in 1609
      1. the poem allow the beloved to live forever
        1. main theme -immortality
          1. love poem
      2. Shakespeare's poems
        1. follow a particular rhyme scheme
          1. ABAB-CDCD-EFEF-GG
          2. have a set number of lines 14
            1. three quatrains and one couplet at the end
            2. use Iambic pentameter
              1. iamb is a pattern of an unstrassed syllable followed by a stressed syllable
                1. have 5 iambs
                2. talks about love, time, beauty and death
                  1. never- dying poems
                    1. first half of a sonnet presents a problem or a question
                      1. second half pressents an anser or resolutin
                        1. nineth line - volta (turn)
                    2. Information
                      1. born in England
                        1. wrote 154 sonnets
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