Physics - Key facts


GCSE Science (Physics) Mind Map on Physics - Key facts, created by damianwalker on 19/11/2015.
Mind Map by damianwalker, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by damianwalker over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Physics - Key facts
  1. Radiation
    1. Isotopes
      1. Atoms with the same proton number but different nucleon number
      2. Types
        1. Alpha
          1. Least penetrating, stopped by paper and air
            1. Emits 2 protons and 2 neutrons
            2. Beta
              1. Fast moving electron
                1. Neutron breaks down into a proton and electron
                  1. Proton number goes up
                    1. Electron gets kicked out of nucleus
                    2. Negative charge
                      1. Stopped by aluminium
                      2. Gamma
                        1. Electromagnetic wave
                          1. Short wavelength
                            1. High energy
                              1. Most penetrating
                                1. Stopped by concrete and lead
                            2. Half-life
                              1. Time it takes for half the radio-active atoms to decay
                              2. Uses of radioactivity
                                1. Automatic thickness montoring
                                  1. radioactive tracers
                                    1. Radioactive dating
                                      1. Carbon dating
                                    2. Equations
                                      1. Voltage = current X Resistance Current = Voltage/Resistance Resistance = Voltage/Current
                                        1. Power = Current(Squared) X Resistance
                                          1. Force = Mass X acceleration
                                          2. Newton's law
                                            1. First law
                                              1. An object will not change its shape, speed, position or direction unless a force acts upon it
                                              2. Second law
                                                1. The change in speed or acceleration is proportional to the force applied
                                                2. Third law
                                                  1. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction
                                                3. Other little facts
                                                  1. Nucleon number on the top, proton number on the bottom
                                                  2. Nuclear fusion and fission
                                                    1. Fusion
                                                      1. Problems
                                                        1. 1. High temperature and pressure needed to start the reaction
                                                          1. 2. Once the fusion reaction has started - it needs controlling and containing
                                                          2. Advatages
                                                            1. 1.Hydrogen is the fuel for the reaction - unlimited supply of hydrogen from water
                                                              1. 2. No radioactive waste
                                                            2. fission
                                                              1. Fission reactor
                                                                1. Graphite moderator - slows the neutrons increasing the chance of collisions with the sources nucleus
                                                                  1. Thick concrete shield - Contain radioactive emissions
                                                                    1. Control Rods - Absorbs neurons, in order to slow down the chain reaction, lift rods out to speed reaction up
                                                                      1. Fuel Rods - source of the reaction which undergoes fission
                                                                      2. Diagram of fission
                                                                    2. Types of graphs
                                                                      1. Distance-time
                                                                        1. Velocity-time
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