more efficient training delievery


CTQ tree for my 6 sigma project
Mircea Mircea
Mind Map by Mircea Mircea, updated more than 1 year ago
Mircea Mircea
Created by Mircea Mircea over 8 years ago

Resource summary

more efficient training delievery
  1. high request delivery rate (delivery = f(fulfillment, schedule, attendance)
    1. high (>70??) overall fulfillment rate
      1. number of delievery days per month
        1. number of trained people per H
          1. trainning room occupancy
            1. number of session cancelations due to lack of participants
              1. ratio of no of forcasted training people to actual course participants
              2. critical/major 95% fulfillment rate
                1. minimum lead time
                  1. request to delievery time
                  2. high quality
                    1. better map to customer business needs
                      1. feedback results
                      2. timp investit / pierdut in organizarea (pt requesteri cat si pentru learning admin
                      3. cost efficient (low cost)
                        1. costs closer to 0
                        2. course availability
                          1. instructors should have knowledge prior to request ?? :)
                            1. cat mai multe cursuri interne
                            2. posibility not to send too many participants per training (nnumerous sessions)
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