Some Discourse Markers


10 Textual discourse markers
Mind Map by denise.patience, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by denise.patience almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Some Discourse Markers
  1. linking similar things together
    1. likewise, similarly
    2. Intro s/thing that contrasts with expectations
      1. mainly speaking
        1. though, actually, at the same time, as a matter of fact
        2. general use
          1. on the contrary,on the other hand, in fact, at the same time
        3. re-stating
          1. in other words, that is, I mean
          2. numbering & ordering
            1. firstly, secondly,lastly
            2. to show the order in which things happened
              1. then, next, afterwards
              2. narrowing down
                1. for instance, to illustrate, for example
                2. causes & results
                  1. so, then, as a result, ,consequently
                  2. finishing off
                    1. in conclusion, to conclude, in summary, to sum up
                    2. generalising
                      1. generally, in general, on the whole, by and large
                      2. adding s/thing to what's already been said
                        1. additionally, too, in addition, also
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