Stuxnet Worm


Chava Hariprasad
Mind Map by Chava Hariprasad, updated more than 1 year ago
Chava Hariprasad
Created by Chava Hariprasad over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Stuxnet Worm
  1. Recovery
    1. Incident procedures
      1. Network/system isolation
        1. Backups
          1. Disciplinary and legal action
          2. Detection
            1. Antivirus software
              1. Network and systems monitoring
                1. Intrusion Detection Systems
                  1. Alert staff
                  2. Prevention
                    1. Antivirus software
                      1. Perimeter controls
                        1. Policies, standards, guidelines
                          1. Procedures with awareness and compliance
                          2. Threats
                            1. Malicious programmers
                              1. Disgruntled employees
                                1. Hackers/crackers
                                  1. Industrial spies
                                    1. Organized criminals
                                      1. Terrorists,hacktivists
                                        1. Nation states
                                        2. Vulnerabilities
                                          1. Network communications
                                            1. Data sharing
                                              1. Trusted/ privileged insiders
                                              2. Impacts
                                                1. Unauthorized disclosure
                                                  1. Unauthorized modification
                                                    1. Unauthorized destruction or Denial of service
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