Process Theodicy


Mind Map on Process Theodicy, created by Grace Bovaird on 23/12/2015.
Grace Bovaird
Mind Map by Grace Bovaird, updated more than 1 year ago
Grace Bovaird
Created by Grace Bovaird over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Process Theodicy
  1. If God's power is limited He might not be worth worshipping
    1. If God cannot guarantee victory over evil what is the point of us trying?
      1. It mans suffering is not a test or a punishment; it is just part of a process. Therefore it is not God's fault so this removes any criticism of Him being cruel etc.
        1. The idea we are in partnership with God makes it less likely we will live in fear of being punished by an angry God for ruining it
          1. It challenges some traditionally held beliefs about God's characteristics like omnipotence
            1. It is comforting to know that God suffers when we do. It shows He is not s cold-hearted God but that he is a caring God
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