Hot Desert Climate


Mind Map on Hot Desert Climate, created by Perspective Drop on 12/09/2013.
Perspective Drop
Mind Map by Perspective Drop, updated more than 1 year ago
Perspective Drop
Created by Perspective Drop about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Hot Desert Climate
  1. Location
    1. Found 15-35° south of the equator.
      1. Examples: Sahara (Africa) and Kalahari Deserts, Arizona, Australia and California.
      2. Climate
        1. Daytime temperatures are extremely high : 30-50°C
          1. Temperature differences are between day and night not seasons.
            1. At night the temperature can fall as low as 5°C.
              1. Minimal Rainfall
                1. As trade winds blow towards the equator they become warmer.
                  1. On shore winds shed their moisture as they blow over cold ocean currents.
                2. Vegetation
                  1. Arid conditions have very little vegetation.
                    1. Cactus has deep roots which allows them to absorb any water sources. They also have waxy skin which minimises water loss through evaporation.
                      1. Date Palm has deep taproots to find moisture.
                        1. The Joshua Tree has juicy flesh which stores water.
                        2. Animals
                          1. Main animal is the camel which has adapted to the extreme conditions.
                            1. Camels have thick knee and foot pads to allow them to kneel and walk on sand.
                              1. They have humps on their backs to store water and fat.
                                1. Have thick lips to eat prickly plants.
                                  1. They have long eyelashes and they are able to close their nostrils to prevent sand getting in.
                                2. Society
                                  1. The deserts are very sparsely populated.
                                    1. Usually home to some pastoral desert dwellers who herd cattle and goats.
                                      1. Governments are restricted the freedom of these nomadic tribes.
                                        1. Camels are replaced with motor vehicles.
                                          1. Tribes are being moved to industrial areas.
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