characteristics of plants


this map explains what a plant does
Glenda Zavalaram
Mind Map by Glenda Zavalaram, updated more than 1 year ago
Glenda Zavalaram
Created by Glenda Zavalaram over 8 years ago

Resource summary

characteristics of plants
  1. Traits
    1. eukaryotes
      1. any organism whose cells contain a nucleus and other organelles enclosed within membranes.
      2. multicellular
        1. having or consisting of many cells.
        2. producers
          1. a organism that serves as a source of food for other organisms in a food chain
        3. Adaption
          1. protection
            1. support
              1. transportation
                1. reproduction
                  1. the action or process of making a copy of something
                    1. bear all or parts of the weight
                    2. you need support so you know you have a backup for any situation.
                    3. plants need protection to grow safely and to not become posionous
                  2. classification
                    1. vascular
                      1. seeded
                        1. seedless
                          1. denoting a fruit that has no seeds
                          2. [of a plant or fruit] having a seed of a specified kind of numbers.
                        2. nonvascular
                          1. nonvascular is a green algae complex
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