Chapter 14


Mind Map on Chapter 14, created by cspicer on 10/12/2013.
Mind Map by cspicer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cspicer almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Chapter 14
  1. Thermodynamics
    1. newtons law of cooling
      1. Cooling of warmer objects to temperature of environment
      2. Phase changes
        1. Critical point
          1. Where physical state changes
          2. Triple point
            1. Where all three states meet
            2. Heat must overcome Latent Heats to reach next phase
              1. Latent heat of FUSION = 334kJ/kg
                1. Latent heat of VAPORIZATION = 2200kJ/kg
            3. Chapter 15 ^


              1. Chapter 16


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