The (Neil) Cripps Mission


Mind Map on The (Neil) Cripps Mission, created by bethanycoultrip on 13/12/2013.
Mind Map by bethanycoultrip, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by jacksearle almost 11 years ago
Tom Lea
Copied by Tom Lea almost 11 years ago
Tom Lea
Copied by Tom Lea almost 11 years ago
Copied by bethanycoultrip almost 11 years ago
Copied by bethanycoultrip over 10 years ago

Resource summary

The (Neil) Cripps Mission
  1. Aims
    1. To win backing for the 1940 offer
      1. By discussing the processes that were necessary to bring about dominion status
        1. Only to be implemented after the war
      2. To discuss arrangements for the duration of the war on the basis of the 1935 govt of India act
        1. had some minimal scope for additional indian reps on exec council
        2. Underlying reason
          1. To please the Americans - keep them onside
            1. Allow Churchill to portray Cripps (a political opponent) as a failure
          2. Why it failed
            1. Defeatist attitude from Indians
              1. Hindus and Muslims couldn't work together
                1. Cripps went beyond brief
                  1. Offers India their own defence office, without permission, forced to withdraw offer
                  2. Churchill set it up to fail
                    1. Sent Cripps to offer dominion status
                      1. Knew Indians would reject it
                        1. But to the Americans it looks like Brits are trying
                    2. Clash of personalities between Cripps and Linlithgow - made worse by Cripps coming with no warning
                      1. Done on purpose by Churchill?
                    3. Congress reaction
                      1. Wanted purna swaraj - not offered
                        1. Little for Congress to support
                          1. Only good offer - Defence Minister - was withdrawn
                          2. Muslims appeared to have gained the right to stay out of a future united India
                            1. Annoys Congress
                          3. Impact/Effect
                            1. Ensures greater support from US
                              1. they see Brits are trying - give their support
                              2. Causes Congress to launch Quit India
                                1. Seems to enhance ML's status, they're more willing to negotiate than Congress
                                  1. Reduced international sympathy for Congress' demand on reform
                                    1. shown as being awkward and non-negotiable
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