Postpartal Psychiatric Disorder


Types, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Management
Mind Map by bettyjmaloney, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bettyjmaloney over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Postpartal Psychiatric Disorder
  1. Types
    1. Postpartum Depression
      1. Baby Blues
        1. Postpartum Psychosis
        2. Causes
          1. Physical Changes
            1. Lifestyle Influences
              1. Emotional Factors
              2. Signs & Symptoms
                1. Postpartum Depression
                  1. Loss of Appetite
                    1. Overwhelming Fatigue
                      1. Severe Mood Swings
                        1. Feelings of shame, guilt or inadequacy
                          1. Difficulty bonding with baby
                            1. Withdrawal from family and friends
                              1. Thoughts of harming yourself or your baby
                                1. Lack of joy in life
                                  1. Insomnia
                                    1. Loss of interest in sex
                                      1. Intense irritability and anger
                                      2. Baby Blues
                                        1. Mood Swings
                                          1. Anxiety
                                            1. Sadness
                                              1. Irritability
                                                1. Crying
                                                  1. Decreased Concentration
                                                    1. Trouble Sleeping
                                                    2. Postpartum Psychosis
                                                      1. Attempts to harm yourself of your baby
                                                        1. Confusion and Disorientation
                                                          1. Hallucinations and Delusions
                                                            1. Paranoia
                                                          2. Diagnosis
                                                            1. Depression-Screening Questionnaire
                                                              1. Blood Test
                                                                1. Underactive Thyroid
                                                              2. Management
                                                                1. Postpartum Depression
                                                                  1. Antidepressant
                                                                    1. Hospitalization
                                                                      1. Ancloytic Agents
                                                                        1. Electroconvulsive Therapy
                                                                        2. Postpartum Psychosis
                                                                          1. Psychiatric Hospitalization
                                                                            1. Antipsychotics
                                                                              1. Mood Stabilizers
                                                                              2. Baby Blues
                                                                                1. Antidepressant
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