

scince mindmap CH.5 Mr. Riddle's class Those of you who are in his class at HPMS good luck and hope you find this helpful
Mind Map by clwj.333, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by clwj.333 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 5.1
    1. fualts
      1. normal
        1. reverse
          1. strike-strip
      2. stress
        1. tension
          1. compression
            1. shearing
        2. landfroms
          1. plateus
            1. folded mts.
              1. anticlines / synclines
        3. 5.2
          1. foucs
            1. benath
            2. epicenter
              1. surface above
              2. seismic waves
                1. P
                  1. S
                    1. surface waves
                    2. scales
                      1. moment mangnitude
                        1. total enrgey
                        2. richter
                          1. mangitude
                          2. mercali
                            1. intestey
                          3. locate epicenter
                            1. 3 cricles
                          4. 5.3
                            1. seismograph
                              1. weight
                                1. drum
                                2. seismogram
                                  1. tracing
                                  2. instruments to montor fualts
                                    1. GPS satlles
                                      1. creep meter
                                        1. lacer-- fanging device
                                          1. tiltmeter
                                        2. 5.4
                                          1. causes of damge
                                            1. aftershock
                                              1. tsunamis
                                                1. shaking
                                                2. cover/ hold/Drop
                                                  1. safer buildings
                                                    1. base isolation
                                                      1. flexible
                                                    2. Created By: Cassiedy Lynn Walker Jones
                                                      Show full summary Hide full summary


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