Market Entry Ways


Mind Map on Market Entry Ways, created by Mario Villanueva on 09/02/2016.
Mario Villanueva
Mind Map by Mario Villanueva, updated more than 1 year ago
Mario Villanueva
Created by Mario Villanueva about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Market Entry Ways
  1. Direct Exporting
    1. Direct exporting is selling directly into the market you have chosen using in the first instance you own resources.
      1. Home country
        1. Host country
      2. Licensing
        1. A firm transfers the rights to the use of a product or service to another firm.
          1. Home country
            1. Host country
          2. Franchising
            1. Arrangement where one party (the franchiser) grants another party (the franchisee) the right to use its trademark or trade-name as well as certain business systems and processes, to produce and market a good or service according to certain specifications.
              1. Host country
                1. Home country
              2. Partnering
                1. Partnering is almost a necessity when entering foreign markets and in some parts of the world (e.g. Asia) it may be required. Partnering can take a variety of forms from a simple co-marketing arrangement to a sophisticated strategic alliance for manufacturing.
                  1. Host country
                    1. Home country
                  2. Joint Ventures
                    1. Joint ventures are a particular form of partnership that involves the creation of a third independently managed company.
                      1. Home country
                        1. Host country
                      2. Buying a Company
                        1. In some markets buying an existing local company may be the most appropriate entry strategy. This may be because the company has substantial market share, are a direct competitor to you or due to government regulations this is the only option for your firm to enter the market.
                          1. Host country
                            1. Home country
                          2. Piggybacking
                            1. Piggybacking is a particularly unique way of entering the international arena. If you have a particularly interesting and unique product or service that you sell to large domestic firms that are currently involved in foreign markets you may want to approach them to see if your product or service can be included in their inventory for international markets.
                              1. Home country
                                1. Host country
                              2. Turnkey Projects
                                1. Turnkey projects are particular to companies that provide services such as environmental consulting, architecture, construction and engineering. A turnkey project is where the facility is built from the ground up and turned over to the client ready to go – turn the key and the plant is operational.
                                  1. Host country
                                    1. Home country
                                  2. Greenfield Investments
                                    1. A greenfield investment is where you buy the land, build the facility and operate the business on an ongoing basis in a foreign market.
                                      1. Home country
                                        1. Host country
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