
Carmen Olivares
Mind Map by Carmen Olivares, updated more than 1 year ago
Carmen Olivares
Created by Carmen Olivares over 8 years ago

Resource summary

    1. ELDER: The old one
      1. ENGAGED: pledged to be married
        1. have just got engaged/ planning to get married
        2. FIANCÉ: is the person you’re going to merry
          1. ACHIEVE: to bring to a successful end
            1. BEHAVIOUR: manner of behaving or conducting oneself
              1. IN- LAW: a relative by marriage.
                1. DRIVE ME CRAZY: when someone is annoying, he drives you crazy
                  1. ARISE: to appear
                    1. got divorced last year
                      1. I fell in love
                        1. have just break up
                          1. GORGEOUS: splendid in appearance; beautiful
                          2. GRAMMAR
                            1. CONDITIONALS
                              1. FIRST
                                1. If I am 18 years old, I won’t drink alcohol
                                  1. I won’t drink alcohol if I am 18 years old
                                    1. Unless I am 18 years old, I won’t drink alcohol
                                      1. If I have a car, I’ll drive to school on my own
                                        1. I’ll drive to school on my own if I have a car
                                          1. Unless I have a car, I’ll not drive to school on my own
                                            1. As long as Maria invites me (invites me) to her party I will go (go) l)
                                              1. As long as I eat (eat) too much chocolate, I will get (get) fat
                                              2. SECOND
                                                1. If I were you, I would study more
                                                  1. If I were you, I would buy a house
                                                    1. If I win a million bucks, I would buy a beach
                                                2. ZERO
                                                  1. Universal truths
                                                    1. If you add 2+2, it makes for
                                                      1. If you add oil and water they get separted
                                                3. SUFFIXES
                                                  1. -Ship
                                                    1. Championship, Friendship, Relationship
                                                    2. -Ment
                                                      1. Entertainment, enjoyment, excitement
                                                      2. -Ance
                                                        1. Performance, Alliance,Concordance
                                                        2. -Ence
                                                          1. Patience, violence, reference
                                                          2. -Ity
                                                            1. Possibility, responsability, sociability
                                                        3. NEW MEXICO
                                                          1. Capital: Santa Fe
                                                            1. 2,085 million people
                                                              1. Largest city: Albuquerque
                                                                1. 121,412 square miles
                                                                  1. LENGUAGE: English only 64%, Spanish 28% and Navajo 4%
                                                                    1. Most of them are catholics
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