My previous knowledge


Mind Map on My previous knowledge, created by Dante García Luengas on 12/02/2016.
Dante García Luengas
Mind Map by Dante García Luengas, updated more than 1 year ago
Dante García Luengas
Created by Dante García Luengas over 8 years ago

Resource summary

My previous knowledge
  1. Present simple
    1. Use when you do an action in the moment
      1. I play video games in my room
    2. Present continuous
      1. Use when you doing an action
        1. Verbs ending with -ing
          1. I am sleeping in my room
      2. Present perfect
        1. The present perfect is formed by combining the auxiliary verb "has" or "have" with the past participle.
          1. Example
            1. I have been sick a long time ago
        2. Past simple
          1. Used to
            1. This is a modal that use when you want to say or expressing an action that you did but now already not.
              1. Example
                1. I used to work very hard
            2. Would
              1. This modal we use to expressing something with nostalgic that it was of the past.
                1. Example
                  1. I would eat the sandwich if i hat it
            3. Sate verbs
              1. -ing
                1. Use in the Present continuous tense
                2. Infinitive
                  1. Use in the Present simple tense
                3. For
                  1. Use for a period of time
                    1. I have been a doctor for three years
                  2. Since
                    1. Use for a specific date
                      1. I have been in puebla since last June
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