Res Mat - materials & components


Mind Map on Res Mat - materials & components, created by Keira-Buchanan on 12/29/2013.
Mind Map by Keira-Buchanan, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by Keira-Buchanan about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Res Mat - materials & components
  1. Properties
    1. Strength
      1. Ability to withstand forces without breaking
      2. Hardness
        1. Ability to withstand scratching, rubbing or denting
        2. Toughness
          1. Hard to break or snap
          2. Elasticity
            1. Stretch and bend and return to their normal shape
            2. Plasticity
              1. If a material can change shape permanently without breaking
              2. Impact resistance
                1. Ability to withstand a sudden force without cracking
                2. Chemical resistance
                  1. If it degrades when in contact with chemicals
                  2. Flexibility
                    1. Bend but don't necessarily return to normal shape
                    2. Strength to weight ration
                      1. Strong but don't weigh much
                    3. Woods and Boards
                      1. Soft woods
                        1. Fairly cheap
                          1. Pine, cedar, yew
                          2. Hard woods
                            1. More expensive
                              1. Oak, elm, mahogany
                              2. Plywood
                                1. Strong, layers, more expensive
                                2. MDF & chipboard
                                  1. Compressed wood chips
                                3. Metals
                                  1. Ferrous
                                    1. Mild steel
                                      1. Strong, rusts easily, can't be hardened, cheap
                                      2. High carbon steel
                                        1. Can be hardened, not easy to work, rust, fairly expensive
                                        2. Stainless steel
                                          1. Hard, won't rust, very expensive
                                        3. Non-ferrous
                                          1. Aluminium
                                            1. Light weight, corrosion resistant, not as strong, cheaper
                                            2. Brass
                                              1. Quite strong, corrosion resistant, malleable, aesthetics, expensive
                                              2. Copper
                                                1. Soft, malleable, electrical conductor, very expensive
                                            3. Plastics
                                              1. Thermoplastics
                                                1. Recyclable, easy to shape
                                                  1. Acrylic, ABS, HIPS, LDPE, HDPE
                                                    1. Ac. - hard, shiny, brittle
                                                      1. ABS - tough, durable
                                                        1. HIPS - rigid
                                                          1. LDPE - soft & flexible
                                                            1. HDPE - stiff & strong
                                                          2. Thermosetting
                                                            1. Non-recyclable, rigid
                                                              1. Epoxy resin, urea-formaldehyde
                                                              2. Self-finishing - corrosion resistant. Use wet/dry paper or buffing machine
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