Unit 56: Historical Relationships between Ireland and Great Britain. Irish Authors: Sean O'Casey and James Joyce.


Mapa Mental sobre Unit 56, creado por c_e_gomez_f el 02/03/2016.
Carolina  Gómez
Mind Map by Carolina Gómez , updated more than 1 year ago
Carolina  Gómez
Created by Carolina Gómez over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Unit 56: Historical Relationships between Ireland and Great Britain. Irish Authors: Sean O'Casey and James Joyce.
  1. 1.- Introduction, Justification and Relevance of the Topic
    1. 2.- The Conquest of Ireland
      1. 3.- The Union
        1. 4.- The Anglo-Irish
          1. 5.- Independence of Ireland
            1. 6.- Anglo-Irish Literature
              1. 7.- Sean O'Casey
                1. 8.- James Joyce
                  1. 9.- Conclusion and Teaching Implications
                    1. 10.- Bibliography
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