Data protection


Mind Map on Data protection, created by Jacob Tobin on 09/03/2016.
Jacob Tobin
Mind Map by Jacob Tobin, updated more than 1 year ago
Jacob Tobin
Created by Jacob Tobin about 8 years ago

Resource summary

Data protection
  1. Malware
    1. software which is specifically designed to disrupt or damage a computer system
      1. This is the technical term for "virus" as it is specific to pc's not real viruses that harm you
        1. Viruses
          1. Trojan
            1. Trojans act as if they are a normal piece of software that is trusted but when downloaded onto your pc it will infect it and delete files, corrupt files blocks files
            2. Worm
              1. A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in order to spread to other computers.
              2. Spwyware
                1. software that enables a user to obtain covert information about another's computer activities by transmitting data covertly from their hard drive.
                2. Scareware
                  1. malicious computer programs designed to trick a user into buying and downloading unnecessary and potentially dangerous software, such as fake antivirus protection
                3. Malicious software
                4. Hacking
                  1. Hacking is where you gain unauthorised access to software
                    1. Preventions
                      1. fi
                        1. computer controllers
                      2. Phishing
                          1. prventions
                            1. ask the actual company to see if they did email you
                              1. see if the web site is secure by seeing if the hhtp has an s on the end of it
                          2. legislations to prevent hacking
                            1. computer misuse act
                              1. to gain access to others computer files, altering computer files
                              2. Data protection acts
                                1. To protect any data that is on a certain website by the website host
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