AS Vocabulary: Le cinema


A Level French Mind Map on AS Vocabulary: Le cinema, created by AlexPereira1997 on 01/13/2014.
Mind Map by AlexPereira1997, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by AlexPereira1997 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

AS Vocabulary: Le cinema
  1. en couleurs= in colour
    1. en noir et blanc
      1. un film art et essai= art house film
        1. la grand ecran=the big screen
    2. un film d'epouvante/d'horreur= horror movie
      1. un film de science-fiction= science fiction movie
        1. filmer=to film
          1. fin=the end
            1. la frequentation=attending(the film)
        2. le montage=editing
          1. le moyen d'envasion=means of escape
            1. un operateur=cinematographer
        3. le (loisir) hivernal=winter (activity)
          1. des images de synthese=computer graphics
            1. le jeu=acting
              1. jouer=to act
            2. le lecteur-enregisteur de DVD=DVD player-recorder
              1. la location=rental/hire
                1. un long metrange=full-length feature film
            3. louer=to rent/hire
              1. le metteur en scene=director
              2. original=original
                1. passer= to be on (at the cinema)
                  1. le producteur=producer
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