United Nations


Mind Map on United Nations, created by rebecca.haber22 on 16/01/2014.
Mind Map by rebecca.haber22, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rebecca.haber22 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

United Nations
  1. Switzerland
    1. UNDP rank #9
      1. Geneva is major headquarters for UN
        1. Home to UNICEF, WFP, UNESCO
    2. Egypt
      1. UNDP rank #112
        1. Goals of UNDP
          1. Support government and people in efforts to reduce poverty
            1. Promote sustainable human development policies
              1. Long-term support to government in building/sustaining nation institution
              2. UNDP actions
                1. Social Fund for Development created average of 285,000 jobs per year
                  1. Provided technical support to government to create National Structure for Disaster Risk Reduction
                    1. Support the public and private transformation of buildings to more environmentally friendly/help reduce greenhouse gas emission
                2. Brazil
                  1. UNDP rank #85
                    1. Rio + 20 conference
                      1. Held in Brazil in 2012
                        1. Dealt with green economics and developing lower class of developing countries
                  2. Somalia
                    1. UNDP rank #193
                      1. Has UNICEF, UNHCR, UNOSOM
                    2. Haiti
                      1. UNDP rank #161
                        1. UNICEF, Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population, local health organization GHESKIO created project “Voices of Youth Maps initiative”- July 2012
                          1. Map vulnerability factors in the communities (HIV)
                            1. Used smartphones to record the location of health and sanitation concerns, medical facilities and unsafe areas- mapped out unsafe areas of the community through pictures and videos
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