Political Structure of the Roman Republic


Mind Map on Political Structure of the Roman Republic, created by lmtiso1997 on 18/01/2014.
Mind Map by lmtiso1997, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by lmtiso1997 over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Political Structure of the Roman Republic
  1. Senate
    1. Consul
      1. Highest political office
        1. Two at one time to stop them becoming too powerful
          1. Only served for one year
            1. Power over the military in wartime
            2. Praetor
              1. In charge of the Military
                1. Had Imperium (Power)
                  1. Answerable only to the Consul
                    1. Could raise an army when both consuls were away
                    2. Dictator
                      1. Absolute authority
                        1. An extraordinary magistrate
                          1. Given in times of chaos
                            1. War
                              1. Poverty
                              2. Had Judical powers
                                1. Should only be in power for 6 months
                                2. Quaestor
                                  1. In charge of financial affairs
                                    1. conducted the Audit
                                      1. usually a former Tribune
                                        1. Collected Taxes
                                        2. Censor
                                          1. Responsible for public morality and certain financial aspects
                                            1. census office limited to 18 months of Imperium
                                              1. Highest regarded position
                                              2. Tribune
                                                1. President of the Plebian council
                                                  1. convened the assembly
                                                    1. proposed legislation
                                                      1. sacrosanct- very bad to kill
                                                        1. Only powerful in Rome
                                                          1. Enter text here
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