Reliving the Horrors


Mind Map on Reliving the Horrors, created by Oliver Renwick on 24/01/2014.
Oliver Renwick
Mind Map by Oliver Renwick, updated more than 1 year ago
Oliver Renwick
Created by Oliver Renwick over 10 years ago

Resource summary

Reliving the Horrors
  1. Ending
    1. After carnage, surveying as a survivor
      1. The horror of what happened there
      2. Based on charge of the light brigade
        1. Talks about their charge into battle
          1. The sights and sounds of the battle
            1. Gunpowder, explosions- felt like god's anger
            2. The wait for zero hour
              1. The nerves and anticipation
            3. Showing off the horrors of war
              1. The mental effects on the survivor
              2. The charge against the guns
                1. Their friends being mown down next to them
                2. From the perspective of the survivors, who charged
                  1. Their opinions about the charge
                    1. Survivor called Edwin Hughes
                    2. All that for nothing
                      1. Feelings of regret
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