Natural Law


AS Ethics- Natural Law mind map
 ELeanor Turner
Mind Map by ELeanor Turner, updated more than 1 year ago
 ELeanor Turner
Created by ELeanor Turner almost 9 years ago

Resource summary

Natural Law
  1. Aristotle
    1. Telos
      1. Natural purpose
        1. Good if fulfil telos
          1. Eudaimonia
            1. Human flourishing
        2. Aquinas
          1. Purpose
            1. Reflect the image of God
            2. Natural behaviour
              1. Primary precepts
                1. To learn
                  1. To worship
                    1. To preserve life
                      1. To live harmoniously
                        1. To reproduce
                          1. Use our reason to work out how to fulfil these precepts
                            1. Synderesis
                              1. Secondary precepts
                                1. Conclusions we make
                                  1. E.g. Divorce is wrong
                            2. Avoid evil and pursue good
                              1. Sometimes use wrongly applied reason
                                1. Pursuing an "apparent good"
                                  1. But fall short of purpose
                                    1. Not evil
                                      1. Sinner
                            3. Hierarchy of Law
                              1. Eternal Law- beyond human comprehension
                                1. Divine Law- written in the Bible
                                  1. Natural Law- our God given reason
                                    1. State Law/Human Law
                                      1. Can be ignored if it comes into conflict with God's laws
                              1. Liberal followers
                                1. Proportionalist
                                  1. Wrong to break a primary precept
                                    1. However, sometimes necessary
                                      1. E.g. Teenage girl raped has an abortion
                                    2. Weak sanctity of life argument
                                  2. Double effect
                                    1. Break a primary precept trying to fulfil another
                                      1. Intention was good but results in an unfortunate by-product
                                        1. Good intention is more important than an unfortunate outcome
                                  3. Deontological and teleological
                                    1. Once we have worked out what is right it is our duty to fulfil our purpose- deontological
                                      1. Moral behaviour is also a means to an end as we are striving to reflect the image of God- teleological
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