Spring MVC


High School Certificate Programer Mind Map on Spring MVC, created by Juan Carlos Joya Carvajal on 19/04/2016.
Juan Carlos Joya Carvajal
Mind Map by Juan Carlos Joya Carvajal, updated more than 1 year ago
Juan Carlos Joya Carvajal
Created by Juan Carlos Joya Carvajal over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Spring MVC
  1. MVC Architecture
    1. request-driven


      • Es basado en peticiones
      1. DispatcherServlet
        1. Handle all http requests, but also give all functionalities of Spring IoC container, whit this servlet you can use all features that spring offers
          1. <context:annotation-config> Scanning and activating annotations in “already registered beans”
            1. <context:component-scan> Bean Registration + Scanning and activating annotations
            2. Spring web anotations
              1. @Controller
                1. mark a class like a controller
                2. @RestController
                  1. it's a controller + responseBody, remove the necessity to use responseBody in each method
                  2. @Component
                    1. marks a java class as a bean
                    2. @Repository
                      1. Marks the Dao class
                      2. Service
                        1. Marks as a service manager is for semantic
                      3. ViewResolver
                        1. it's an interface to be implemented by objects that can resolve views by name
                        2. MultipartResolver
                          1. handle file upload in web application, To define an implementation, create a bean with the id “multipartResolver”
                          2. HandlerExceptionResolver
                            1. register one or more exception resolver beans in the web application context to resolve uncaught exceptions
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