Fireside Living Things


Mind Map on Fireside Living Things, created by midtownscience01 on 03/02/2014.
Mind Map by midtownscience01, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by midtownscience01 about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Fireside Living Things
  1. Five Kingdoms
    1. Monerans
      1. They are single celled
        1. There are two types
          1. Animal Like
            1. Must Eat Food
            2. Plant like
              1. Create its own food using water, carbon dioxide and sunlight
            3. They lack a nucleus
            4. Protists
              1. Animals
                1. Phylum: Profiera
                  1. Example: Sponge
                    1. Simple animals
                      1. Two main body parts -
                  2. Made of cells
                    1. Cannot make their own food - heterotrophs
                  3. All living things are made of cells
                    1. Have a cell membrain
                      1. the membrane lets good stuff in and keeps bad stuff out
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