TDA Postmodernism - affrimation and denial


Mind Map on TDA Postmodernism - affrimation and denial, created by Jade Roe on 25/04/2016.
Jade Roe
Mind Map by Jade Roe, updated more than 1 year ago
Jade Roe
Created by Jade Roe about 8 years ago

Resource summary

TDA Postmodernism - affrimation and denial
  1. Affirmation for Religion
    1. Talks about living religion rather than intellectual faith - this is an important part of religion
      1. Also highlights the importance of practicing the religion and
        1. Brings traditional religious actions and beliefs to a postmodern time
          1. Allows religion to be seen without certain statements weighing it down. Also allows a religious interpretation of life that may have been rejected before - it was not intellectually justifiable.
          2. Denial of Religion
            1. Treeats believers as consumers with the pick and mix approach - this can be seena s offensive and undesirable for religious believers as religion is NOT something that can just be picked at and bought.
              1. Although it boasts an agnostic view on religion it can be interpreted as atheist - essentially has an anti realist view of God (rejects objective existence)
                1. Denies absolutes and meta narratives - the basis of many religions
                  1. Denies intellectual belief and knowledge of God
                    1. Allows any belief - has no content or strict rules
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