presidents of the conservative hegemony.


Mind Map on presidents of the conservative hegemony., created by majotoroacero on 25/04/2016.
Mind Map by majotoroacero, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by majotoroacero over 8 years ago

Resource summary

presidents of the conservative hegemony.
  1. Jose maria Campos:1886-1887
    1. • He was named general treasurer. (Managed the money) • He joined to the army of Tomas Cipriano against the government of Mariano Ospina.
      1. • He was in some ministries or secretariats.
      2. • He was elected representative to the National Congress and later Senator of the Republic.
      3. Rafael Núñez (1887-1888)
        1. He fought against individual interests without limits, the separation between the Church and the State
          1. • He led the independent Liberals agglutinated in the movement of regeneration
            1. • He founded the national party with broad conservative majority and convened a reduced Council so empowered, to create a new Constitution.
            2. Carlos Holguín Mallarino (1888-1892)
              1. Holguin was concerned about public works: the construction of the road between Cundinamarca and Boyacá
                1. the cleaning of the Canal del Dique, the channeling of the Magdalena river, the construction of the hospital work military in the capital...and more.
                  1. • In his government the exportations grow.
                2. Miguel Antonio Caro (1892-1898)
                  1. He participated in the constituent Assembly of Colombia, also adopted the Constitution.
                    1. He was the national librarian, also he was member of the National Congress as a representative and as a senator, he was president of the council of state and Vice-President of the Republic.
                      1. • He took charge of the army of the executive power.
                      2. Manuel Antonio Sanclemente (1898-1900)
                        1. José Manuel Marroquín (1900-1904)
                          1. • He makes a deal with the guerrillas and the big number of criminals that spread along the Atlantic coast and Panama, where the revolutionaries received the support of foreign troops from Nicaragua, Venezuela, and Ecuador.
                            1. Marroquin entered into negotiations with the revolutionary forces and signed various peace treaties: The Treaty of Neerlandia.
                              1. • He declares undulated to all the individuals who participated in the war and the cessation of hostilities was arranged.
                                1. • He lifted the State of siege, which ended the civil war prolonged and bloody in the history of Colombia.
                              2. Rafael Reyes (1904-1909) •
                                1. • He devoted himself to govern in a dictatorship known as the "five years of Kings".
                                  1. • He imposed a protectionist policy and economic measures to reconstruct the country's problems economic and financial situation after the war of the thousand days.
                                    1. • the abuse of his presidential powers, the closing of the Congress and its replacement by an addicted Assembly ended up strengthening the opposition: Kings faced two conspiracies against him.
                                    2. José Vicente Concha (1914-1918)
                                      1. • he helped to reform the Constitution, in a way of more liberal direction and he opposed to the Treaty Urrutia Thompson.
                                        1. • during his term he opposed the limit conflicts with Ecuador.
                                          1. • He wrote some treaties if the rights.
                                          2. Pedro Nel Ospina (1922-1926)
                                            1. • He participated in the War of a Thousand Days and was Minister of War under President Marroquin .
                                              1. • He Intervened in the negotiations with the US following the conflict the Isthmus of Panama .
                                                1. • His main concern was to modernize and industrialize the country , for which he had the payment of compensation of Panama .
                                                2. Miguel Abadía Méndez (1926-1930)
                                                  1. • He meant to cater various infrastructure projects such as railways , roads and ports ;
                                                    1. he corresponded to face the global economic downturn that severely affected Colombia and threatened a financial paralysis and production .
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