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The drainage basin hydrological cycle: the water balance & flooding case studies
Geography (Rivers) Mind Map on The drainage basin hydrological cycle: the water balance & flooding case studies, created by maddiemurchie23 on 04/21/2013.
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Resource summary
The drainage basin hydrological cycle: the water balance & flooding case studies
Drainage basin: open
Input: Precipitation
Flow: Infiltration, percolation, through flow, groundwater flow and surface run off
Storage: Interception, surface storage, soil moisture and groundwater
Outputs: Evaporation, transpiration and river carrying water to the sea
Definition of Drainage Basin - the area of land drained by a river and its tributaries
Factors effecting infiltration
Intensity of rainfall
Type of soil or rock
Height of water table
Amount of vegetation - more trees = more interception but also means more roots = more infiltration
Time of rainfall
Angle of slope - steep = water runs off = less time to infiltrate
Water balance
Run off = precipitation - evaporation +/- changes in storage
Depends on months/weather for a positive/negative water balance
Balance between inputs and outputs in a drainage basin
Allows planning and managing water supply
Flooding case studies
Northern England
Torrential rain hit Hebden Bridge in July 2012
over 44mm fell in 3 hours (a months worth)
Canal breached its banks flooding the town centre
Ground was too saturated to infiltrate the water causing surface run off
Restoration of property took a long time due to assessments by insurance companies
Closure of Sandygate lane as debris covered the road
More than 500 homes and businesses were flooded
Great Yorkshire Show which costs £2.2 million to stage was cancelled
Many trees were pulled down due to current of the water
Council provided free cleaning materials
Council are now working with the Environmental Agency to prevent any future flooding by looking at the upper course of Calerdale
Engineers and green teams worked until the early hours of the morning to deal with the after effects.
Manila, The Phillipines
More than half the amount of rain expected to fall in August fell in under 24 hours - over 250mm
Many damns began to overflow
60% of the city was underwater
19 people died, 9 of which was a family when a landslide hit shanty houses and others died from drowning and electrocution
All businesses have been closed apart from some convenience stores
Shortage on supplies
Tonnes of debris and mud left, disease spread by contaminated water
Families have been split up by the flood stranding people
Can't afford insurance so most have lost everything
Tens of thousands of people have been evacuated by 130 emergency crewmen
$765 million is being spent to strengthen and restore the Manila Bay seawall aswell as the construction of flood gates and pumping stations
US ambassador to the Philippines has provided $100,000 for disaster relief
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