Sending a Fax (2 entry point) - [Inbound Flow]


How the sending the Fax work in GoldFax. Just very high level overview.
Ajitpal Singh
Mind Map by Ajitpal Singh, updated more than 1 year ago
Ajitpal Singh
Created by Ajitpal Singh over 8 years ago

Resource summary

Sending a Fax (2 entry point) - [Inbound Flow]


  • HIGH LEVEL OVERVIEW C++ Service. Each inbound fax have four phases: Pending, Processing, Holding, Finished.
  1. Multi-Functional Device / Printer (MFP/MFD)
    1. Check pages in DB, for given account
      1. Frwd fax via IIS to GF Server


        • Each Fax will have User 2 and User 3 keywords. U2 contain the account ID GUID in Base64  and U3 contain GMT Offset.
        1. GoldFax server convert to TIFF Format
          1. Queue the fax on GoldFax Send Queue
            1. Check the Account pages from U2 keyword
              1. Pages > 0 ,Fax Sent to etherfax
                1. Fax send successful,
                  1. Deduct page + Send success notification
                  2. Fax Sending faliure
                    1. re-allocate the deducted page
                      1. Send Email Notification to sender
                  3. Failed Allocation,
                    1. Retry Fax for Given Limit
                      1. Failed Fax
                        1. send Notification to sender
          2. (SMTP) C++ GF Mail Gateway
            1. Check Sender Email and Account
              1. Error, if no account OR 0 balance
                1. Reject the Email
                  1. Send NDR


                    • Notification
                2. Do the SMTP Service Call and create email .MSG format
                  1. SMTP Program will store U2 & U3 in the FAX
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