
mapa de los circuitos electricos
Mind Map by juangupe17, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by juangupe17 over 8 years ago

Resource summary

  1. They had
    1. Lows as
      1. Ohms lows r= l*R , current volta and resistence.
        1. Walft law , P= V * I
          1. Kirchhoft= Curnent node and mesh voltage
            1. Reduction circuits = Calculating resistance
      2. Element such as
        1. Generator ,conductor reactors,swhiching and prupeare diferents in objets
          1. and individually
            1. battery
              1. lamp
                1. buzzer
                  1. dynamo
                    1. wiles
                      1. swim
                        1. michy
                          1. fuse
                            1. BASES OF THE ELCETRICAL CIRCUITS
                              1. VOLTAGE
                                1. It is possible to define as the work for unit of load exercised by the electrical field on a particle loaded to move her between two certain positions.
                                2. POWER
                                  1. It is the relation of step of energy of a flow for unit of time; it is to say, the quantity of energy dedicated or absorbed by an element in a certain time
                                  2. RESISTENCE
                                    1. It is the equality of opposition that the electrons have to move across a driver.
                                    2. ELECTRICAL CURRENT
                                      1. It is the flow of electrical load for unit of time that crosses a material.
                              2. Big drivers with big theories and combution as
                                1. CHARLES WISDOM = Procesing of nouts and bolts.
                                  1. THOMAS EDISON = Contind electric currents to ruminahe afles.


                                    • ( Milan, Ohio, on February 11 of 1847-West Orange, New Jersey, on October 18, 1931) he was a businessman and a prolific American inventor who patented more than thousand inventions (during his adult life it was doing an invention every fifteen days) and helped to give him, both to The United States and to Europe, the technological profiles of the contemporary world: the electrical industries, a telephonic viable system, the phonograph, the movies .
                                    1. Alessandro VOLTA = Keep electric now.


                                      • Born On February 18 of 1745-ib., March 5, 1827) was an Italian physicist, 1 2 famous one principally for having developed the electrical battery in 1800. The unit of electromotive force of the International System of Units has taken the name of volt in his honor from 1881.
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