new start social housing provider


description of organisation
Mind Map by alexis.mitchell, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by alexis.mitchell about 10 years ago

Resource summary

new start social housing provider
  1. history 15 years small family business
    1. other organisations links
      1. heartbeat
      2. 1972 building and development company
        1. adult services
          1. prospect lodge
            1. supported tenacies scheme
              1. community housing scheme
                1. the harmony project
        2. aims
          1. safe enviroments, healthy lifestyles, economic well being, meaningful activity, confidence, choice, fair access
          2. young peoples services
            1. keyz 2 the door
              1. brook cottage
                1. spencer house
                2. family mediation
                  1. independent living programme
                    1. learning training & life skills hub
                      1. mentoring scheme, committed partner
                        1. tenancy ready plan
                          1. resettlement worker
                      2. awards and recognition
                        1. supporting people
                          1. ofsted
                            1. IIP Gold Award
                        2. who vulnerble individuals & families, addiction, in treatment, mental health issues, muliple issues
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