Digestive System


A-Level Biology 2 Mind Map on Digestive System, created by Sophia Durham on 03/01/2014.
Sophia Durham
Mind Map by Sophia Durham, updated more than 1 year ago
Sophia Durham
Created by Sophia Durham almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Digestive System
  1. Mouth
    1. adds saliva, breaks food into small pieces
      1. Oesophagus
        1. squeezes food towards stomach, connects mouth and stomach
          1. Stomach
            1. Churns food up with acid, adds protein-digesting enzymes
              1. Small intestine
                1. contains digestive enzymes made by the pancreas, allows nutrients to pass through the walls into the blood
                  1. Pancreas
                    1. makes digestive enzymes, secretes enzymes into small intestine
                      1. Large intestine
                        1. water passes through it's walls into the blood, undigested food passes along this tube
                          1. Liver
                            1. makes bile, processes nutrients
                              1. Gall bladder
                                1. releases bile into small intestine when needed, stored bile made by liver
                  2. Chemical and mechanical processes
                    1. enzymes speed up chemical reactions
                      1. Carbohydrases
                        1. found in mouth, turns starch into glucose
                          1. e.g. amylase
                        2. Proteases
                          1. found in stomach, turns protein into amino acids
                            1. e.g. pepsin
                          2. Lipases
                            1. found in s. intestine, turns fats and oils into fatty acids and glycerol
                              1. e.g. Lipase
                          3. Bile
                            1. strongly alkaline, neutralises stomach acid, ensures optimum conditions for enzymes in s.intestine to work
                              1. contains salts that break down fats and oils into small droplets
                                1. Emulsification
                                  1. increases surface area of fats and oils to speed up their digestion
                              2. Absorption in the small intestine
                                1. inside wall is thin with large surface area
                                  1. absorption happens quickly and efficiently
                                    1. lined with villi
                                      1. increases surface area, more nutrients absorb faster
                                        1. increases rate of diffusion
                                        2. lacteals
                                          1. take away fat from s.i. to ensure there's a difference in concentration
                                            1. increases rate of diffusion
                                          2. blood capillaries
                                            1. take blood to different vessel, ensures there's a concentration gradient
                                              1. increases rate of diffusion
                                            2. One cell thick
                                              1. less distance for nutrients to travel
                                                1. absorption is quicker
                                        3. Functional foods
                                          1. have health-promoting benefits more than basic nutritional value
                                            1. probiotics
                                              1. contain bacteria to maintain healthy digestive system
                                                1. Bifidobacteria
                                              2. prebiotics
                                                1. contain added sugars that "feed" bacteria in alimentary canal
                                                  1. Oligosaccharides
                                                2. Plant stanol esters
                                                  1. come from plant stanols
                                                    1. found naturally in food such as wheat and maize
                                                      1. clinically proven to reduce absorption of cholesterol
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