Scholar Paper


Mind Map on Scholar Paper, created by aliylua on 03/06/2014.
Mind Map by aliylua, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aliylua almost 11 years ago

Resource summary

Scholar Paper
  1. How to Read
    1. READ
      1. Abstract
        1. Introduction
          1. Conclusion
          2. Skim Content
            1. Headings/Titles
              1. Labels/Figures
                1. Extract the main Point
                  1. Read the whole thing quickly
                    1. Focus on most important areas
                      1. Focus on evidence
                        1. Compare ideas
                          1. Make association
                          2. See References
                            1. DETERMINE CONCLUSION
                            2. Estimate validity
                      2. Writing
                        1. Genre
                          1. Subject/Topic
                            1. Audience
                              1. Research
                                1. Information
                                  1. Examples
                                    1. Outline
                                      1. Draft
                                        1. Time Management
                                          1. Revise
                                            1. Edit
                                              1. Take a Break
                                                1. Proofread
                                                  1. SUBMIT:)
                                              2. Word Choice
                                        2. Articles
                                          1. Stats
                                            1. Cite in Proper Format
                                          2. Analytical
                                            1. Argument
                                          3. Academic Integrity
                                            1. Plagarism
                                              1. Stealing someones IDEA
                                                1. Purchasing a paper
                                                  1. Borrowing ideas without proper citation
                                                    1. Reusing a paper
                                                    2. Violation
                                                      1. PENALTY...
                                                    3. Intilectual Honesty
                                                      1. DISTINGUISH
                                                        1. personal idea/content
                                                          1. Borrowed idea/content
                                                            1. CITE
                                                              1. Footnotes
                                                                1. WORKS CITED
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