Munich Putsch


Mind Map on Munich Putsch, created by katherine.home on 06/03/2014.
Mind Map by katherine.home, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by katherine.home about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Munich Putsch
  1. who
    1. Hitler and the Nazi Party and some other Right Wing Nationalists including General Ludendorff and Herman Goering.
    2. what
      1. 8th November 1923
        1. Hitler stormed into meeting in Munich Beer Hall and stopped meeting on Bavarian Kahr and his senior officials.
          1. He demanded they join him on march to take over Munich. He left Ludendorff in charge and Kahr alerted authorities.
            1. The army opened fire on the crowd and 16 Nazi’s shot dead. Hitler was wounded and fled.
            2. why
              1. Stresseman called off Passive resistance in 1923. Seen as giving into France.
                1. The Nazi Stormtroopers (SA) grew quickly, and wanted a revolution –or threatened to leave 1923
                  1. Hitler thought that the Army would follow Ludendorff in a putsch. They became friends in 1923
                    1. In 1922, Mussolini had seized control of the government of Italy by marching on Rome
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