Cable is over


Mind map of a an article called "How to watch all the TV you want without paying a cable bill"
Jennifer Wilhite
Mind Map by Jennifer Wilhite, updated more than 1 year ago
Jennifer Wilhite
Created by Jennifer Wilhite over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Cable is over
  1. advent of alternative TV choices
    1. options
      1. Streaming
        1. Netflix
          1. Amazon Prime
            1. Hulu
              1. CBS ALL ACCESS
                1. HBO NOW
                  1. Sling TV
                    1. Sports specific packages
                    2. Antenna
                      1. On Demand
                        1. Options via watching habits
                          1. Basic Cable Junkie
                            1. The Prestige TV Grazer
                              1. Omnivore
                                1. The Serial Binger
                                  1. Sports Fans
                                    1. Option one: $308.50
                                      1. Option Two: $418.50
                                  2. Users are becoming more specific in their desires and must be catered to
                                    1. easy an less expensive to pick alternative packages
                                      1. Thank you for looking at our map.
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