Scientific Papers Writing & Publication


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ana silva
Mind Map by ana silva, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
ana silva
Created by ana silva almost 8 years ago
ana silva
Copied by ana silva over 7 years ago

Resource summary

Scientific Papers Writing & Publication
  1. Module 1 Writing & Editing
    1. Planning to Write
      1. Solutions to speed up writing and optimise storyline (Session 1)
      2. Editing techniques (Session 4)
        1. Shortening Sentences and Paragraphs
          1. Highlighting Research Value
            1. Hedging
            2. Writing
              1. Paper sections-optimisation of message (Sessions 2+3)
            3. Module 2 Publishing (Session 5)
              1. Submission
                1. Journal choice
                  1. Review (Editor+Reviewer interaction)
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