1_Chapter 1: Making Sense of Material Culture


Mind Map on 1_Chapter 1: Making Sense of Material Culture, created by Corina Lerma on 01/09/2016.
Corina Lerma
Mind Map by Corina Lerma, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Corina Lerma
Created by Corina Lerma about 8 years ago
Corina Lerma
Copied by Corina Lerma about 8 years ago

Resource summary

1_Chapter 1: Making Sense of Material Culture
  1. What is material culture?
    1. "A collective name for all the behavior patterns socially acquired and transmitted by mean of symbols...also material instruments or artifacts in which cultural achievements are embodied" (17).
      1. Material culture allows us to better understand societies and cultures if we are able to "read" how the objects were produced and used.
        1. Culture
          1. Recurrent patterns of social behavior connected to artefacts, beliefs, customs, traditions, and values.
            1. "the objects tell you about the culture, and the culture tells you about the objects" (22).
        2. Analyzing Material Culture
          1. Semiotic Analysis
            1. using clues given by objects, artifacts, facial expression, body language, etc. to draw conclusions about activities and identities
              1. Sherlock Holmes
                1. The Blue Carbuncle
                  1. "hat example" Watson vs. Sherlock
                    1. knowledge
                      1. attentive to details
                        1. makes inferences
                  2. Perspectivism
                    1. Nietzsche
                      1. multi-disciplinary approach to knowledge
                        1. What do we do when experts disagree?
                        2. needs
                          1. interpretation
                            1. The Rashomon Problem
                            2. Theories
                              1. "Theories are like goggles that help determine the way we see the world, that point our attention to certain things, and distract us from others."
                                1. all theories are partial and have limitations
                                2. Nature of Theory
                                  1. Freudian psychoanalytic theory
                                    1. consciousness
                                      1. pre-consciousness
                                          1. unconscious
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